a laptop, a camera, a person's hand using the mouse to edit a video on the laptop

Content Creator Tips you need to know in 2023

A lot of people are venturing into the world of content creation with no clue how to navigate their way around it. Today, I’ll be sharing some tips you can use as a content creator to get better in your journey.

content creator- a women dressed in a black and white zipper jacket, sitting on a rolling chair and making a video with her phones back camera and her phone on a tripod


Who is a Content Creator?

A content creator is someone who makes and shares information for a particular audience expressed through a medium or a channel. A content creator produces entertaining, helpful, or educational material that caters to the interests and challenges of a target audience.

It could mean making videos for social media pages, crafting newsletters, writing emails, blogging, vlogging, writing articles, case studies, infographics and so much more. It is a content creators job to connect a brand or organization to it’s audience.

Types of Content Creators


Social media managers



Business owners



Skills needed as a Content Creator

While you dong need to have certificates in these areas to be a content creator. These are skills that will help improve the quality of the content you create and make it easier for your audience to resonate with your content.

Photography skills

Pictures are visual representations of events, stories and are faster and easier ways to pass information to a wider number of people. Knowing how to take good pictures or select imaged that are relevant to try story being told is necessary to improve understanding and reinforce the information provided in text.

High quality images are also a vital component for producing content that people share, comment and are interested in. People more readily interact with a photo with higher quality.

So the next time you want to use pictures for your content, ensure to take quality photos. Ensure the background is nice and the lighting is good. If you want to import pictures with good quality that are free you can visit websites like pexel, pixabay, unsplash and clipart.


Ever noticed how no one wants to watch movies that aren’t HD? That’s the same way people don’t like low-quality videos. Videos are also an effective strategy for content creation. In this day and age, sharing stories and experiences through videos is very common. Videos capture events and make it available for future use. They are easy to understand and help your audience connect better with you and fosters credibility.

People are more likely to connect with people they can see. Videos can be easily shared and have a wider reach. It is engaging and helps to capture your audience’s attention.

No one likes a crappy video. Learning to make and properly edit videos is a good skill for a content creator.

Imagine watching a video where the behind-the-scenes are not properly edited or the person is making so many mistakes and the script is all wrong. If you thought about it and shook your head, then we can agree that neither does your audience. It’s important to learn how to edit videos you can learn that on YouTube. It’s also important to have a script for a more organized format. Use places with good lighting for your videos and try as much as you can to filter out noise. Some mics can do that.


This is another skill a content creator should have. It helps you tell stories of your brand. Writing content that informs, persuaded and entertains your audience should be your goal. Also content that resonates with your audience is vital to keep them interested.  Writing could be aimed at educating your audience or telling stories about your brand that shows you understand the pain points of your audience and how you can solve their problem.

If your writing cannot keep your audience hooked from the heading chances are you need to learn to write better headlines.

Good writing is a powerful marketing took that allows you to reach your audience and attracts new readers and converts them to customers.

 Tips for a Content Creator

  • Start with what you have

Alot of times, we tend to want to have everything ready before we start making strides. But more often than not, if we don’t start with what we have, even when we have what we say we need, we wouldn’t start at all. You don’t need a mic to start or a tripod. Sure those will make a more aestheticaly better video and would be perfect to start with but you could always substitute and find a quiet place and a brightly lit room to shoot your video.

It’s better to have made 20 videos and learned from making those videos than waiting to have all the tools to make 1 perfect video. A person who has made and edited 20 videos has more experience than someone who has made just one video. So start with what you have and gain experience

  • Research

Knowing and having information about your target audience is a very important step to take. This will allow you to understand what your target audience is like, understand their likes, disliked, pain points and then figure out what content will resonate with them and solve the problems they have. Researching Is the most difficult part of creating content. People just want to create content that they resonate with. But they forget one very important thing. You guessed right, they are not their audience. Their audience is their audience and to figure out what they want, they have to research.

  • Write the way you talk

Sometimes content creators are all about writing content to impress their audience so they use words that are not easily understood by their target audience. They don’t realize that it’s easier for people to relate with what you write when you write the way you talk. It also allows your writing to stand out and convinced your readers that you are a credible person and can be trusted. Not writing the way you talk can give off this “I am a robot” look and can make your reader or audience very skeptical about you and about what you can offer.

  • Be consistent

I know you’ve probably heard this a million times but being consistent is how you can grow your audience and increase your reach. To grow as a content creator, you have to show up even when you don’t feel like it. You can’t come once a month and except to grow. Youbhvr to put in the work just like you would do for any other job.

Consistency doesn’t also have to be everyday even if it can be everyday. It can be 3 times or 4 or even 5 times a week. Just have your routine and stick to showing up at those times.

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